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The Visuals
Some pics of riding, races, and work days.

Local pros getting ready to start moto.

Lance Nielson #5 and Tyler Nicholson #613 battling on the doubles.

Flawless on the start!

Ryan showing form up in the corner

Mike Andres bustin big on the 120 foot!!

A view from up top.

Final evening moto, another great start.

James Burketta on the quad gets a little excited.

Corey Wilfort #85 and Mike Andres #60 dicing on the finish line.

Bottoming out of the new kicker

Brittany Martens blitzing the mini's whoops

Pulling hard up the elevation changes

Clint Mundt leading pack into corner!

Another great start!

Tyler Nicholson goin BIG!

Up the big hill.

Justin Case testing the suspension on his Yamaha.

Dave, Dan and Glen, just a few 30+ready for action!

Jason Fernette and Chief dicing in the rythm section.

The numbers are growing for each start.

A view from behind.

70 Riders in Pit area, and lots more room to fill!

Waiting for their practice laps to begin.

First Lap.

Pro/intermidate Start

Tom Brocklebank doing a great job watering.

Burton taking an early lead!!

Tyler and Kirk battle in the first corner.

Mr. Graham takes the victory in the 50 mini moto's!!!

The Big Dog Race was very exciting!